Monday, December 12, 2011

Jim Boeheim Staring Down Things

Lots of Pulp has branched out into the world of tumblr, with our new pet project "Jim Boeheim Staring Down Things.

What is it?
How nice of you to ask. It's a page where we'll simply post photos of Jim Boeheim Staring Down Things (or pretty much anything we find entertaining). Anyone can add to the tumblr as well by contributing their own photos.

How can I contribute?
It's so easy! Just click on the button that says "Submit Your Own" and upload a photo (and caption, if you'd like). 

So I can just post things like boobs on there?
Not quite, we'll still approve posts, but basically if it's Boeheim staring at something, we'll likely put it up. If it's Boeheim staring AT BOOBS, we'll DEFINITELY put it up.

That sounds amazing! Where do I start?
I'm glad you're so excited. We are too! Just click on this handy-dandy link and upload away -
Pin It Now!

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