Most Syracuse fans can agree that Notre Dame is annoying. Whether it's the (literally) holier than thou attitude, touchdown Jesus or
the ugly white shooter. They're just so irritating.
And these guys have been the most annoying in the past 10 years. (note: there's probably more annoying guys from before 2002, but I didn't really see any of them play, so I'd just be basing it off box score numbers, and you can do that yourself).
The Kardashian Family Annoying Brother Award
And the winner is ... Luke Zeller
At least no Zellers went to Duke |
Luke, Tyler and Cody Zeller decided to go to school at Notre Dame, North Carolina and Indiana. Seriously guys, pick more annoying schools.
Runner up: Ben Hansbrough
Hansrough was an OK player, who averaged 10.5 points per game in two meetings with SU. He's no Tyler, but that doesn't make us hate him any less.
The We Respect You, But Just F*#$ing Graduate Already Award
We get it, you try really hard |
And the winner is ...
Luke Harangody
Harangody is among the all-time greats in Big East history, and he didn't disappoint against SU, dropping 22.2 PPG and pulling down 13.6 RPG. You would score a lot of points too, though, if you put up literally 100 shots in five games, and your hair looked like it was grown on a chia pet.
Runner up: Torin Fancis
Honestly, I barely remember Francis, but he was remarkably consistent against the Orange, averaging 16 points and 9.5 rebounds per game (six games in four years). He scored at least 13 points every game and grabbed at least 6 boards every game.
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